Transitioning a practice towards BIM proficiency can often appear daunting and risky. Challenges influencing the reluctance to adopt new software include education, authoring of new practice standards as well as BIM coordination and management. A BIM Implementation Plan pulls all of these items together as one master document to provide certainty and order to the process. With 12 years of experience using, teaching, authoring standards and managing BIM in the workplace, I am well placed to produce this document and to oversee its execution.
BIM software has the capacity to hold an extraordinary amound of data. With such flexibility it can be difficult control what information is included in the model and at what stage it is provided. 'Level Of Information need' is the strategy of defining, describing and following a plan for the management of information on a project. Alongside this is the federation of models from different stakeholders, each with a different LOIn. Managing this information requires a well versed understanding of the Exchange Information Requirement (EIR) which should be defined with stakeholder input as early as possible.
It is often the case that early project stages require the use of less constraint-based design software. This can allow for the use of more complex geometry which can turn out as a challenge when it comes time to model and document it in Revit. I have developed methods to achieve this transition while maintaining the integrity of both the design geometry and Revits' parametric data allowing for a comfortable transition.